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Finance mobilisation

The need to respond to environmental challenges has never been greater, yet Eastern Partner Countries’ national budgets face conflicting pressures, including prioritising finances for the post-COVID 19 recovery and dealing with instability in the region. 

The EU4Environment Water and Data programme supports the EU’s Eastern Partner Countries by increasing their capacity to prepare more bankable water sector projects, and increasing awareness and confidence in the private sector, international financial institutions and the donor community to work with the Eastern Partner Countries.   

The programme studies the domestic and international financing mechanisms available to support the financing and implementation of river basin management plans, including for transboundary basins where applicable. It explores opportunities to attract additional financing for priority measures in river basins, including through private-sector engagement and mobilisation. Where possible, it promotes cooperation under the EU Team Europe Initiative framework.



Related material

The EU-funded “EU4Environment – Water Resources and Environmental Data” Programme, launched in 2021, aims at supporting a more sustainable use of water resources and improving the use of sound environmental data ... Read more




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