As a follow-up to the National Policy Dialogue on Water in Ukraine (19-20 June), an online meeting between Ukraine and Armenia on the transposition and implementation of Directive 2020/2184/EC on the quality of water intended for human consumption (Drinking Water Directive, DWD) was held on 3 July.
The main points of discussion were the development of the DWD roadmap, similarities and differences between the Directive and the national legislation (SanPIN), exemptions from the provisions of the Directive taking into account military actions, the risk-based approach and links between monitoring under the DWD and the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC.
The meeting was attended by Ms Nune Bakunts, Deputy Secretary General of the National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention of Armenia, Mr Oleksandr Shkin, Deputy Head of UkrvodokanalEkologiya, representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.
The online bilateral meeting and the DWD Roadmap for Armenia were developed under the EU4Environment - Water Resources and Environmental Data programme and facilitated by UNECE.